Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The Salt Lick attempts to chronicle and balance the Roanoke Times' sad descent into liberal bias, pettiness, and temper. All opinions expressed on this weblog are those of the author. The author's opinions do not represent those of his employer, his supervisor, and often not even his wife.
Previous Posts
- Michael Sluss does a good job
- Separated at birth?
- 1998 ABC video documenting Terrorist/Iraq connections
- More Highway 11 -- I didn't ask if this one is "fi...
- "Super City" forming in SW Virginia?
- Breaking up the "Virginia jihad network"
- Molly Ivins tries to refill the hole
- Republicans call for state amendment to limit emin...
- Roanoke Times helps Warner prepare for 2008
- Karl Rove deserves an award
Journalism Watch blogs
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- Oh, that liberal media.
- Editor and Publisher
- The Ombudsgod
- Media Slander
- Press Think
- Media Research Center
- Howard Kurtz
- Media Tenor
- Accuracy in Media
- New York Times Watch
- Patterico's Pontifications (on the L.A. Times)
- Biased BBC
- From On High
- Southern Conservative
- SW Virginia Law Blog
- Brian Patton
- Spark it Up
- RoanokeFound
- The Spacecraft
- The Roanoke Slant
- Wiki Roanoke
- Commonwealth Conservative
- Sic Semper Tyrannis
- One Man's Trash
- Bacon's Rebellion -- Op-Ed
- Bacon's Rebellion -- The Blog
- Commonwealth Watch
- Commonwealth Commonsense
- Virginia Centrist
- Virginia Progressive
- Brandon Meyer -- blogging from Marine Corps bootcamp
- Fedora-pundit
- Red Stater
- Rick Sincere
- Sed Contra
- Virginia Patriot
- River City Rapids
- Jaded JD
- Reason and Revelation
- CrimLaw
- Not Mark's Magic Mr. Eight Ball
- Tom Joad's Place
- Cries in the night
- Insane Hippie
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