Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Roanoke Times sources National Public Radio

Last Sunday, the Roanoke Times began an editorial "National Public Radio broadcast a story..."

That NPR is a biased, liberal institution is fairly well accepted by now. Not long ago we linked to a discussion of bias at NPR and elsewhere by Jay Rosen, Associate Professor in New York University's Department of Journalism, where he observed at Press Think:

For ideas that illuminate the rage out there journalists have to go outside their comfort zones, including the "liberal" zones in press thought. They have to find other sources of insight, and listen to explanations that may at first sound alien.

That article written in response to growing public outrage, and NPR's response to the outrage, that a program funded in part by public money has become so slanted with liberal bias.

There is plenty more discussion of NPR bias throughout the internet. Just type "National Public Radio Bias" into your search engine. Some examples can be found here and
here and here.

So lately we have documented Roanoke Times' editorials citing support from:

-- NPR
-- The New Republic
-- The New York Times
-- The ACLU
-- The American Library Association
-- American Editor, publication of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
-- Vera Institute of Justice (funded in part by Bush-hating billionaire George Soros)

You have to wonder how narrow is the Roanoke Times' "comfort zone." Maybe as narrow as their minds?