Saturday, May 28, 2005

Weekly roundup -- Roanoke Times editorials

They can't quite ween themselves of the ad hominem attacks on evil Republicans, but signs indicate they might be trying. (Hint -- it helps to quit listening to Bill Moyers and Kos).

And congratulations to House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith, R-Salem! You almost won the trifeccta this week! So we know you're on the right track.

Saturday, May 28, 2005. If only the White House and Congress would familiarize themselves with the [U.S. Constitution]. The effect might be a needed deflation of the misinformation and propaganda that seek to suppress the Constitution’s moderating functions and advance a hardline reactionary agenda in the courts and elsewhere.

Friday, May 27, 2005. President Bush, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and other politicians are determined to maintain Bush’s tight restrictions on federal funding are guilty of hypocrisy, inconsistency and opportunism.

Thursday, May 26, 2005. If Goodlatte [U.S. Rep., R-Roanoke} were really serious about protecting Americans from identity theft, he should have withheld his support for recently passed ID legislation...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005. Virginia’s Sen. John Warner played a key role, along with West Virginia Democrat Robert C. Byrd, in forging the compromise [to continue allowing filibusters].Alas, Virginia junior Sen. George Allen was one of the partisan bomb-throwers urging Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to pull the nuclear trigger. He urged fellow Republicans not to be timid... Speaking on the Senate floor after the announcement of the compromise, Warner said, "I am proud to have been a part of this."
Virginia should be proud, also. At least of one of her senators.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005. The long-term threat [to the scenic New River] requires multiple actors: land owners who sign conservation easements; donors to groups such as the Western Virginia land Trust; local officials who adopt zoning for the greater good, a Congress willing to bestow protective status on the river,.

Monday, May 23, 2005. The outlook [for Virginia’s transportation system] is so disturbing that even House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith, R-Salem, not known for fiscal common sense, sees the need for “solutions for the next 30 to 35 years...”

Sunday, May 22, 2005. [At last week's Cultural Summit 2005], participants floated sensible responses to the deficient funding of Roanoke institutions; a local, dedicated tax... House Majority Leader Morgan Griffin, R-Salem...quashed hopes of a local culture tax by declaring the idea would be dead on arrival in the General Assembly... In other words, the assembly won't provide the tax money to support institutions such as Center in the Square, and neither will local government if the assembly can help it.