Friday, April 22, 2005

Pictures are worth a thousand words

We continue our tracking of a week's worth of Roanoke Times' editorial cartoons. Remember, somebody has to sit down and choose which ones to run. Who do you suppose that is at the RT? Since we know how insular the Roanoke Times editorial staff is, we've added a few non-Republican bashing cartoons at the end. Really, Tommy, they are out there. Really.

April 14

telnaes Posted by Hello

Ann Telnaes

April 15

sheneman Posted by Hello

Drew Sheneman

April 16

ohman Posted by Hello

Jack Ohman

April 17

horsey Posted by Hello

David Horsey

>April 18
[Dick Locher cartoon about fuel prices -- non-political]

April 19

handel Posted by Hello

Walt Handelsman

April 20

wright Posted by Hello

Don Wright

Mike Ramirez offers different thoughts on Tom Delay and John Bolton, two men roundly hated by the Roanoke Times. (The policeman catching the "U.N." dog peeing on the U.S. statue is "Bolton.")

ramirez417 Posted by Hello

ramirez412 Posted by Hello